Missouri Regulators Respond to COVID-19
In Missouri, as cannabis businesses continue to race to build out facilities before the commencement inspection deadline, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (“DHSS”) has showed no signs of slowing down due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
“I’m not anticipating any issues from COVID causing any issues or delays in implementation at this point,” Lisa Cox, public information officer for the department, told the News-Leader by email.
Under the regulations, Medical Marijuana Facilities in Missouri have one year from the date they were awarded a license in order to be ready for a commencement inspection. If they do not request a commencement inspection by that time, the Facilities risk having their license revoked. The deadlines in Missouri are as follows:
- Cultivation: December 26, 2020
- Manufacturing: January 10, 2021
- Dispensaries: January 24, 2021
In other states, dispensaries are seeing high sales numbers as consumers are anticipating stores closing. However, most dispensaries are able to stay open as they are being designated as “essential businesses” in states that have ordered lockdowns, such as in California and Illinois.
Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. established it Marijuana and Hemp Law Group in November 2018. The chair of this group, Chip Sheppard, was designated Missouri Lawyer’s Weekly’s Lawyer of the Year for 2019 arising from his efforts assisting with the birth of this industry.